Gory Blister

Cognitive Sinergy

Gory Blister

Briars and plumes
Appears the cauldron
Archaic heinous ritual

Yearning for revealing
The lineage of the soul
Archaic... heinous

Relentless is the deluge
The squall loves the whirlwind
Virtuosity rests quiescent
X-ray through the unsound mind

"within a red riot of brains
What is taking place is... "

Deluge fastness
Lineage relentless

Yearning for revealing
The lineage of the soul
Archaic... heinous

The zephyr upon earth encroaches
A jolt to the islet fastness
Such a neural grassland
I trespass on meaninglessness

"within a red riot of brains
What is taking place is... "

The cauldron spews out souls
Seemingly kindled
By ordeal holy rising ghouls

"...the battle of signifiers
The battle of signifiers "