I shall laugh As I place my head on the block Laugh at them all As the raven jeers at gallows Or the worm mock the grave For the shadow of death is above me And I am Eternal 'bove all of us fallen angels wings We are the underdark elite In the distance The blackwinged constellation is our sign Light is slowly fading... Fading away forever Through the stream of blackened sky Unholy we (have) become In an endless night I shall have eternal life I accepted sweetest poison Entered the world undreaming Unbidden - Undead Winds have given the sign of the unholy Sworn to darkness or perish Into the void I summon thee Into devotion Masses of flesh I am the pain - never-ending In a deepest depths they all hear My call - souls of old I have lain among the rat-gnawed bone And discover all the cryptic mysteries of the art Of that lam certain Death and darkness from within