From flames, nuclear antichrist Desecration, the earth burning out Hammers smash and choppers cut Immemorial conflict lasts We are convocation Antichristian violation Predators for the weak Vileness immensity Envenomed with hatred Conscious of danger Watchful and ready To attack with fury Vengeance like vermicide We take no prisoners Our fundamental truth Above all not to fall a prey Unchristened men Born from unholiness Unmerciful faith Flows in their veins Dying with honour Battleground boils away I am one of the elite The ultimate massacre bringer Antidote for human griefs Through flames and emptiness War-buldozzers will destroy Interplanetary tanks control Gazeous clouds of desolation Cadaveric glassy eyes We blaspheme against crucifiers Spiritual pollution, dissolution "drink from the chalice of blasphemy" Drink from their opened veins Goat's head and thunderbolt Signs of war against god Sentenced to death Christians possessed We'll fuck you christ We'll fuck your confessors Battlestorm spreads Armageddon spreads Nuclear antichrist Unvanquished holocaust March the way of destruction Our standards rise Revenge has been achieved We cleanse our empires of stains And proclaim our victory The conqueror conquered Nuclear antichrist