He stood alone on the cliff He Looked down on severe storm And waind threw in his fase the thorny Splashes of sea foam. But waves hit at his feet And the sea voice spread far and wide The sea voice like the mournful cry The mournful cry... Somewhere, far away On the dragon-ships sail hoisted And baneful battles will burst out again But old man ashore Knelt doun. His orbs are moistened His lot is hearken now how women play. His grandson has set off for Fame Somewhere in expanse of (the) great Tide To fight and win his own good name Under (the) kindly sky. The ridges break up the waves The tears corrode (the) skin of his cheeks Cause of his glaive will not be blaze And smash up enemies. I do wish be strong and violend Put my face under briny Waind fight against senility God, give me eerlasting Strength, glaive and billow gusty Sole way to white purity.