I have felt the heavy weight Of the arm of god restrained by grace And every step that i would take I took great care to play it safe So deeper down i drove my sin In hopes that it would be hidden And never come to light To earn the wrath of all god's might But sin is like a cup filled up With water thick and real as blood The more i drive it underneath The more it overflows in me And as i cower in the dark The match of grace strikes up a spark To illuminate the truth I'm still in need of this good news Chorus Upon the cross the punishment For each and every sin Was poured out on the body Of the pure and spotless lamb Now there's not a single ounce of judgment left For christ has settled the score Hallelujah, god isn't angry any more I kept my distance from this god Whose disappointment trumped his love But from far off i misread his face It was exhaustion not disgrace For every death each sin deserved He ravaged on his son, the word Until the point that he Had no more justice left for me Chorus I boldly now approach his throne By grace and blood that did atone And let myself be held in arms That comfort rather than alarm And in the warmth of his embrace I'm overwhelmed by awesome grace And know nothing i do Could ever change this love, this grace This truth