
Headie Mung Festizzeo


The night is young our mouths are drooling 
For sexual chaos, in the cemetery 
A headie mung salute to the graveyard perversions that be 

The tombs went back to far to see 
So we raged all night on PCP 
The first body was exhumed the night began 
We tossed the bitch belly-up on sand 

A classic mung scenario 
With me the catcher and Griffin the jumper 
Positioned for mung driven madness 
My mouth in front of her rotted pussy 
Waiting for dead excretions to vomit from the depths of her cunt 
As his feet left the ground a moment of thruth sent chills down our spines 
As the boots sank deep in her stomach a tsunami of rot exits her pussy 
My mouth is filled with puss and insects 
A hint of embalming fluid lingers in my throat while maggots crawl around my teeth 
The smell that accompanied this treasure made me gag on the corpse 
Now covered in vomit, blood, and putrefaction we will move on 

Juices and discharge 

The night is young our mouths are drooling for sexual chaos in the cemetery 
I am a fucking mung machine 
We won't stop till we mung this graveyard clean