Heed the misleading words of their scriptures. The very ink they used seems to be extracted. From the venomous teeth of vile reptiles. Running across parchment as poison in blood. To others a demon in human form. Simon Magus, victim of propaganda. The one Jesus tried and failed to be. Deemed to be the very first heretic. Accused of being nothing but a fraud. A mere sorcerer, a malicious magician. Six root powers contain the whole. The first pair is Heaven and Earth. Moon and Sun is the second one. Air and Power form the third pair. The whole is Estos, the Standing One. The seventh root, following six predecessors. It is the day after creation, yet existing before. The Spirit that moved upon the face of the waters! Not the progenitor of ecclesiastical crime. He is Simon, power and the salvation of man. Sent to release Ennoia from transmigration. To contest the demiurge and the inferior spirits. A perfect, ungenerated and eternal being. Container of the visible element. As well as the invisible one. Both the hidden and the manifest.