"U aei eis aei ei O ei ei os ei Who exists as Son For ever and ever U aei eis aei ei O ei ei os ei You are what you are, you are who you are." "The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born first. Must destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas" Abraxas, the Archon. Source of the three hundred and sixty five. Emanations of the Supreme Being. In him creation becomes frightened of itself. Abraxas, you are the sun yet also. The eternally gaping abyss of emptiness. You are the bright light of day. And the deepest night of madness. Abraxas, you dwell in the light of the luminary Eleleth. The last of the spiritual lights. Counter the ignorance of the lowest heaven! Mankind, by birth blinded by stupidity. Can see the supreme good of the sun. Perhaps even the endless evil of the devil. But not Abraxas, the mother of both. To behold summum bonuum, infinum malum. But never, never indefinable life itself. This is why his powers are the greatest; man does simply not perceive them. "A thousand-armed ployp Coiled knot of winged serpents The hermaphrodite Of the earliest beginning The lord of toads and frogs, Which live in the water Abundance that seeketh Union with emptiness." Abraxas, by thou Mind was created. Then sprang the Word. You issued Providence, virtue and Wisdom Abraxas, out of these you crafted. Principalities and powers. And three hundred sixty-five angels. The number corresponding to your name. Christ, the seed of Abraham sent by Abraxas. Came in a phantasm and not in the flesh. He did not suffer on the cross as a martyr. For salvation has not been promised to bodies. To behold summum bonuum, infinum malum. But never, never indefinable life itself. This is why his powers are the greatest; man does simply not perceive them.