Goombay Dance Band

Sun Of Jamaica

Goombay Dance Band

Tom: Em

  G   D G                                D G 
1. Long time ago, when I was a young boy,
      D    G                               D C
I saw that movie, "Mutiny On The Mountain"
                  D      G
starring my idol, Marlon Brando.
Am                             D
And I felt a yearning for that great adventure.

  G   D    G              D G
2. So many nights I woke up out of a dream.
                    D C            D
A dream of blue seas, white sands,
G                     Am
Paradise birds, butterflies, and
beautiful warm hearted girls 

G      D G      D   G         D G      D    C       D  G         Am D
Sun of Jamaica, the dreams of Malaika, your love is my sweet memory.
G      D G      D    G    D G      D   C        D G              Am D
Sun of Jamaica, blue Lady Malaika, someday I´ll return, wait and see.
                         G     C    G    D                      G
Walk in the sand and I´m happy with you. We shall be loving and true.
      Em          G           Em        G
Oh, I sure love Malaika, with all of my heart.
       C         G            F          D
I will always be faithful and true, yeah true.

  A             E    A          E       A             E  A
3. But now as I grew older, the burning desire became so strong
              E    D                  E A
that I bought me a ticket to fly home
                 Bm                  E
and then I found you and we found in eternal love

right from the beginning.

  A    E     A                     E        A
4. The stars falling down from the sleepy Lagoon,
    E     A                      E D
The palms swaying under the moon,
                          E   A
We were swimming out into the calm crystal sea,
Bm               E
in that faithful night I thought to myself.

A     E  A                 E    A             E
 I´ll do everything I can, save up every dime,
    A            E D          E    D
and one day I´ll return, come back home to you,
                       Bm   E
and then I´ll stay forever, forever.

A      E A      E   A         E A      E    D       E  A         Bm E
Sun of Jamaica, the dreams of Malaika, your love is my sweet memory.
A      E A      E    A    E A      E    D       E A             Bm E
Sun of Jamaica, blue Lady Malaika, someday I´ll return, wait and see.
                         A     D    A    E                      A
Walk in the sand and I´m happy with you. We shall be loving and true.
      F#m          A           F#m        A
Oh, I sure love Malaika, with all of my heart.
       D         A            G          E
I will always be faithful and true, yeah true.

B      F# B      F#  B         F# B      F#    E       F#  B        C#m F#
Sun of Jamaica, the dreams of Malaika, your love is my sweet memory.
B      F# B      F#   B     F# B      F#   E       F#  B            C#m F#
Sun of Jamaica, blue Lady Malaika, someday I´ll return, wait and see.
B      F# B      F#  B         F# B      F#    E       F#  B        C#m F#
Sun of Jamaica, the dreams of Malaika, your love is my sweet memory.