Tom: A Okay, i looked everywhere for this song and couldnt find it so i took it upon myself to tab it out and im pretty sure this is correct...... if not then plz email me or correct it. cheers. Intro (this is pretty much the same all the way throught the song, u just need to listen to it to get the strumming pattern) e--------------------------------------- b--------------------------------------- g-------------------777--999------------ x2 d-777--666--444444--777--999--6--7--6--7 a-777--666--444444--555--777--6--7--6--7 E-555--444--222222------------4--5--4--5 Verse e----------------------------------- b----------------------------------- g-----------------------------777777 d-777777777777--66--44444444--777777 a-777777777777--66--44444444--555555 E-555555555555--44--22222222-------- Outro e----------------------- b----------------------- g----------------------- d-14-14-14--13--14--13--14 x3 a-14-14-14--13--14--13--14 E-12-12-12--11--12--11--12 e------------- b------------- g------------- d-999--7--6--4 a-999--7--6--4 E-777--5--4--2 And thats pretty much it. Like i said, listen 2 the song to know when to play. Peace out. \w/ \w/ \w/