Holy holy Hollywood Holy shiny Silver screen Program me my Body language I wanna live That rich man's Dream! Chorus repeat: I never asked For choice You gimmee choice Dont want a choice It's simply too Complicated Brainwash me Baby Brainwash me Look at the State i'm in! Tell me wot i'm Sposed to Believe Spin me again! O divide me o Enemy inside me Look at the Shape i'm in Put yr Thoughts Inside me Just gimmee Some spin Holy holly Wood Holy Hollywood Holy Bollywood Hollywood Holy holy! Holy holy Hollywood you Can divide me o Enemy inside me Put yr Thoughts Inside me try To hook me & To ride me & Put yor Thoughts Inside me there Brainwash me Baby I never asked for Choice etc (croon) I love you for Your dream Body I'll give you Everything Everything but Full control Sex & drugs & Rock'n'roll Brainwash me Baby do the Best you can Or i will speak The truth that Remains Unspoken the Unspun yarn That unravels The scam I am the Psychodelible Medicine man & i Bring us the Way we can Heal Ourselves if We can if we Can Holy Hollywood etc I never asked for Choice etc (croon) I love you for your Spin baby I'll pitch yoo with my Spam Don't yoo worry We'll be cool Live the lies & bend The rules I am the Psychedelible Medicine man I bring us the Way we can Heal Ourselves if We can Propaganda For yoo Propaganda For me Holy silver Screen Hollywood Make me Believe