Excuse me sir do you might have a lighter? I’m keeping cold, at least my smoke’s on fire. Eleven down and eight left to expire, i’m sorry mom, I know you don’t admire such. If what you see is what you will discover I hope we learn a lot from one another It’s head over heels this city of desire, It’s hard to see what feeds the fire on it’s own. When it burns alone Standing close on a fast lane going gone, I don’t care but at least i’m far from home If what you see is what you will discover I hope we learn a lot from one another It’s head over heels this city of desire, It’s hard to see what feeds the fire on it’s own. When it burns alone Standing close on a fast lane going gone, I don’t care but at least i’m far from home She said, please come here once again He said, i probably won’t do that again