Fuk'n love fags man So... er.. so... so what fags you got man? what you smokin' then? I got fukin', i got marlboro lights man, they come, look, in they're own fukin' box look That's gold on it, i like a gold... Lyrical devastation, across the nation Safe as fuk and that's no exaggeration The beats keep rockin' and the base'll hum Get down fuk'n embassy number 1 I came round your house, to borrow some towels I smoked a john player and it loosened my bowels Like a bullet from a smoking gun Fcukin' ten. embassy number 1. Suckers to the side, i know you hate, my b & h Mike fcukin' loves it. Smokin' fcukin' fags is really really great Chuffin on the reg, having a laugh with your mates Cheap fags made by some bloke in albuquerque I'll smoke embassy regal, sometimes even a berkeley I'm never gonna stop, i loves 'em too much to quit Best fag o'the day in the morning, taking a shit And having a cup of tea and reading the sun Despite the chills when your bum gravy starts to run 10 reg i fcukin' loves it It's great to smoke a regal when you're taking a shit Or with my nan in a council flat My girlfriend can smoke fags in her twat I fu'ked her in the arse then she sucked my dick I spunked on her face, she had shit on her lips She's a bit mad and she drinks loads of cider She'll show you her tits for under a fiver Suckers to the side, i know you hate, my b & h You're gonna get yours Suckers to the side, i know you hate, my b & h You're gonna get yours You get duty paid, they come in celophane Loving duty free when you're on the fcukin' plane To morocco, the algarve or in a tent at blan...? Just make sure you bring me back a fcukin' carton I got an 80-a-day habit, smoking these cigarettes Twat, shit, c*nting, bollocks, fuk me i do have tourettes They're really quite pricey you'd have to agree But i love smoking them with the glc I do things that are highly illegal See me in mcdonalds smoking on a regal I got a suitcase and a cabin chair Selling fags down john frost square I wear a tracksuit, i look so fly I goes down the spar, i busy 20 sky Sovereign, silk cut or malboro red Remember kids, don't smoke in bed Ten embassy number one Ten embassy number one Two pound forty can get you a surprise A packet of ten silk cut king size By 'em from the co-op, or even the spar Smoking 40 tabs off yer head at zanzibar Then on to the slowboat for some fried duck Trying to speak chinese when i'm all puckered up Didn't pay for it so i started to run Still smoking a fcukin' embassy number one. Wave your fags in the air like you just don't care You can afters cos i love to share White-tipped marlboro lights, going out, having fights Go to france for the day, selling fags in the night This girl let me touch her chicken wings When i gave her a box of 200 superkings Like a bishop having sex with a nun Fcukin' ten embassy number one Suckers to the side, i know you hate, my b & h You're gonna get yours Suckers to the side, i know you hate, my b & h You're gonna get yours Buying tens and twenties to have in my joints And getting slippers for my nan with the focus points Inhale, exhale, put it out, have another ciggie Driving around listening to the snoop, or a bit o' biggie Fags are great, they're really fcukin' fun Regal, marlboro or fcukin' embassy number one Chain gang crew two thousand and two Ten bensons are wicked when you're smacked out on glue Embassy number one Embassy number one Embassy number one Embassy number one Suckers to the side, i know you hate, my b & h You're gonna get yours Suckers to the side, i know you hate, my b & h You're gonna get yours