Goldie Lookin Chain

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Goldie Lookin Chain

Back then I say a few years ago,
I made a conscious decision to get wrecked on blow,
When it started it was all just a laugh,
Smoking spliffs on the toilet, or bongs in the bath,
As time went by I carried on toking,
Like Howard Marks, but doing more choking,
I didn't mind but then I didn't even check,
Smoking too much weed has left my body a wreck,
Can't say out loud but there's something going on,
I grow tits, after smoking my bong,

Smoking my bong,
Lighting my cone,
I don't want to worry about my chromosones

Hormone replacement, that's what I need, I started to grow tits after smoking too much weed,
Hormone replacement, that's what I need, I started to grow tits after smoking too much weed,

This is the message, weed tokers out there beware,
Your dealer just don't care,
Take a step back, listen to what I say,
GM weed fcukin' up your DNA,
The truth about this weed, it really is a shocker,
Smoked nearly ½ an ounce now I look like Hayley Cropper,
So you've been warned, take fcukin heed
Of this chemically enhanced, [B]icky sticky weed[/b]

GM weed starts to……..
It's the microchip stops you taking a piss,
Putting chemically enhanced weed in your spliffs,
Now I need viagra to get me a stiffs,

Hormone replacement, that's what I need, I started to grow tits after smoking too much weed,
Hormone replacement, that's what I need, I started to grow tits after smoking too much weed,

Oh shit my willy is a fanny!
Take a step back I'm turning into a tranny!
I start to panic, I'm getting cock rash
My bellends turning into a fcuking gash
Seen the doctor, nothing could be done
I smoked the weed and the changes began

Hormone replacement, that's what I need, I started to grow tits after smoking too much weed,
Hormone replacement, that's what I need, I started to grow tits after smoking too much weed.

Smoking weed just to press your agression,
Some people say it could lead to depression,
Here's a lesson,
Sticky weed don't be messin',
Maybe you should just stick to rezin?,
Bags of hot rocks, and burning your traccie,
But you don't wanna get tits off this GM waccy baccy,
Smoke it spa,
You'll need a training bra,
Just for now i'm smoking soap bar!!!!

HRT, HRT, Hormone Replacement Therapy, HRT, HRT, Hormone Replacement Therapy,
HRT, HRT Hormone replacement, that's what I need, I started to grow tits after smoking too much weed,
Hormone replacement, that's what I need, I started to grow tits after smoking too much weed.

Hormone replacement, that's what I need, I started to grow tits after smoking too much weed.