Tabbed by: Greg Falcon Lead in (Only bass plays) e ssee e e e e e. e. e e e e e e sse e e e e e e. e. e q. e G|----------------|-----------------|-----------------|--------------| D|----------------|-------0-5-4-2-4-|-----------------|--------------| A|-r-5555-5-5-0-0-|-2--2------------|-r-555-5-5-5-0-0-|-2--2--0-2--r-| E|----------------|-----------------|-----------------|--------------| e ssee e e e e e. e. e e e e e e sse e e e e e h h G|----------------|-----------------|-----------------|------| D|----------------|-------0-5-4-2-4-|-----------------|------| A|-r-5555-5-5-0-0-|-2--2------------|-r-555-5-5-5-0-0-|-2--r-| E|----------------|-----------------|-----------------|------|Intro / Bridge h. q w h. q h q q h. q h q q h q q h q q G|------|---|------|--------|------|--------|--------|--------| D|------|---|----0-|-2--4-6-|------|--------|--------|--------| A|-0--4-|---|-4----|--------|-0--4-|----5-4-|-2--4-5-|-7------| E|------|-2-|------|--------|------|-2------|--------|----2-4-|Verse (First lyrics, "Here I am alone again...") e sse e e e e e e e e e e e e e e sse e e sse e e. e. e e e e e G|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| D|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| A|---------7-7-5-4-|-----4-4-2-2-0-0-|-r-444-4-4-445-4-|-----------------| E|-r-555-5---------|-2-2-------------|-----------------|-0--0--0-2-2-4-4-| e sse e e sse e e e e e e e e e e sse e q e e e e e e e e e e G|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| D|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-2-2-2-2-0-0-----| A|---------7-7-5-4-|-----4-4-2-2-0-0-|-r-222-2-2---2-2-|-------------4-4-| E|-r-555-5---------|-2-2-------------|-----------------|-----------------|Prechorus 1 ("So here I am and you're not...") e e e e h e h e e e e h e h e e e e h e h e e e e e e e e G|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| D|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| A|---------5-----5-|---------4-----4-|---------5-----5-|-----------------| E|-r-3-3-3-----3---|-r-2-2-2-----2---|-r-3-3-3-----3---|-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-|Chorus ("All I want...") _ q q e e e q/ \ e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e G|---------------|----------------|-----------------|-----------------| D|---------------|----------------|-----------------|-----------------| A|---------------|----------------|-----2-2-3-3-5-5-|-----0-0-2-2-4-4-| E|-5--5--5-5-5 2-|--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-|-3-3-------------|-2-2-------------| _ q q e e e q/ \ e e e e e e e q h. G|---------------|----------------|------| D|---------------|----------------|------| A|---------------|----------------|------| E|-5--5--5-5-5-2-|--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-|-10-r-|Prechorus 2 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e G|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| D|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| A|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-| E|-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-|-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-|-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-|-----------------|Breakdown e sse e e e e e 8x G|-----------------|| D|-----------------|| A|-----------------|| E|-r-555-5-5-5-0-0-|| e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e G|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| D|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| A|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| E|-0-0-r-0-0-r-0-0-|-r-0-0-r-0-0-r-0-|-0-r-0-0-r-0-0-r-|-0-0-r-0-0-r-0-0-| q e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e G|----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| D|----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| A|----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| E|-6--0-0-r-0-0-r-|-0-0-r-0-0-r-0-0-|-r-0-0-r-0-0-r-0-|-0-r-0-0-r-0-0-r-| q e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e G|----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| D|----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| A|----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-| E|-6--0-0-r-0-0-r-|-0-0-r-0-0-r-0-0-|-r-0-0-r-0-0-r-0-|-----------------|End _ q q e e e q/ \ e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e G|---------------|----------------|-----------------|-----------------| D|---------------|----------------|-----------------|-----------------| A|---------------|----------------|-----2-2-3-3-5-5-|-----0-0-2-2-4-4-| E|-5--5--5-5-5 2-|--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-|-3-3-------------|-2-2-------------| _ q q e e e q/ \ e e e e e e e q q q q G|---------------|----------------|-------------| D|---------------|----------------|-------------| A|---------------|----------------|-------------| E|-5--5--5-5-5-2-|--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-|-10-10-10-10-| _ q q e e e q/ \ e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e G|---------------|----------------|-----------------|-----------------| D|---------------|----------------|-----------------|-----------------| A|---------------|----------------|-----2-2-3-3-5-5-|-----0-0-2-2-4-4-| E|-5--5--5-5-5 2-|--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-|-3-3-------------|-2-2-------------| ___ h e q w/ \ e q h. e sse e e e e e G|-------------|----------|---------|-----------------| D|-------------|----------|---------|-----------------| A|-0---4-5--2--|--------r-|-5--r----|-----------------| E|-------------|----------|---------|-r-555-5-5-5-0-0-| Song structure: Lead In Intro Verse Prechorus 1 Chorus Bridge Verse Prechorus 2 Chorus Breakdown End This is only my second tab, so forgive any innaccuracies. In the places where lead entirely drowns out the bass line, I might be off, but I think this is pretty close to the truth in any case. This song is pretty fun to learn, especially alongside "Here In Your Bedroom". To play either, you need to be able to play two sixteenth notes followed by two eighths; it was a total bitch for me to learn at first, but once I got it, it was total fun to play. Comments/Questions to *. ====