JOE, TERRY Beer and whiskey, whiskey and beer, Makes your head start aching, makes your eyes unclear; Makes you waste your money, turns you blind and dumb. Gimme some. Strong tobacco, cigarette smoke, Such a dirty habit, makes you damn near choke; Fills your lungs with poison, makes your brain go numb. Gimme some. Will I ever get smart? I doubt it. Tell me something's bad and I can't live without it. Pretty women, blue-eyed or brown, How they drive you crazy, how they drag you down; Soon they're fat and happy, you're a worn-out bum. Gimme some, Gimme some. Bread and gravy, chicken chow mein, Too much fancy eating only brings you pain, Doctor says "Hold on there, not another crumb!" Gimme some. Craps and poker, blackjack and dice, Start to win a little, get to feelin' nice! Bet it all and roll 'em, "Snake eyes, sorry, chum." Gimme some. Will I ever get smart? I doubt it. Tell me something's bad and I can't live without it. Say I'm foolish, tell me I'm strange, Sure! but still I'm having too much fun to change! Guess I'll go on saying till my time has come, Gimme some, Gimme some. Gimme some. Gimme some.