What'll we do with the baby? What'll we do with the baby-o? What'll we do with the baby? What'll we do with the baby-o? Wrap him up in a tablecloth Throw him up in the old hayloft That's what we do with the baby That's what we do with the baby-o Every time the baby grins Give my baby another bottle of gin That's what we do with the baby That's what we do with the baby-o Every time the baby cries Stick my finger in the babies eyes That's what we do with the baby That's what we do with the baby-o Mon ami! Mon ami! Coco, Coco, le petit singe Le bon roi Dagobert, le bon roi Dagobert, a, le bon roi Dagobert A mis sa culotte à l'envers, le grand Saint Eloi lui dit O mon roi, votre majesté est mal culottée! Cest vrai, lui dit le roi, je vais la remettre à l'endroit! C'était un idiot. J'ai vu Coco, Coco le petit singe Hier au Zoo de Toronto dans sa petite cage Il m’a dit si tu veux on va jouer. Attention! Mon ami, mon ami! Fa-lala-lala-la-la