It's something you are born with And you take it to the grave It hits you with full power Like a massive shock wave After all the tears, blood and sweat There will be nothing to regret That's what makes us survive We're anvilised for life! It's something that we have to do We're never gonna quit If it is not a struggle It isn't worth a bit After all the tears, blood and sweat There will be nothing to regret That's what makes us survive We're anvilised for life! You run out of time You gotta do it now You need to realise it while you can We mean what we say And we could swaer to death We're gonna do it till we're old men This is dedication That's that's taking me We're gonna fucking do it It's all we wanna be After all the tears, blood and sweat There will be nothing to regret That's what makes us survive We're anvilised for life! Some things go wrong At least we even try Everything we can ot make it fit But this is the deal That's dedication, pal We're never gonna quit we live for it Anvilised We're gonna do it till we're old Anvilised Anvilised We realise what we have told Anvilised - for life Anvilised This is dedication, man Anvilised Anvilised We realise it while we can Anvilised - for life Anvilised