It’s 8 am, an hour before the show Can’t turn back now, signed up too long ago My mom’s real nervous, so is my girlfriend I tell them, “hey, don’t worry, I’ll see you both again.” New contest of Ages, our future young men. One of a hundred will walk till the end. Raring to rip, third warning don’t trip. Pick em up, put em down’s the path to the crown. Out on the halftrack the soldiers take aim. They pump mighty carbines at boys who’ve gone lame. He seemed ok just an hour ago. Now clear his dead ass off the road. Got to keep pace with the… The long walk don’t lose your face. Got to stay alive To see the others die. Now you’re my friend So we’ll walk on forever Mind is so bleary staggered legs so weary. Sense of myself is lost somewhere else. Burrow deep inside the rabbit’s secret lie He sets the pace of this sadistic race Out on the halftrack the soldiers take aim. They murder our freedom a rule of this game. This figure beckons I see him real clear Time to sit the end is here Out on the road the shoe I am wearing develops a tiny hole Their smug mocking grins, I can’t hold it in, embarrassment takes a small hold The silhouette of the major appears we salute though we know it’s a sin Let’s see his sorry ass walk 100’s of miles, lose his own mind, feel so afraid, feeling so Sick, feel so alone, feel all this hate…