On the first night of hanukkah, I received a mighty dreidel. On the second night of hanukkah, I received a little latke. On the third night of hanukkah I did receive the mystical treasure of gelt. On the fourth night of hanukkah I did receive the sadness of oversized socks. I must see, What it will be! Hanukkah gone metal, The festival of lights, Hanukkah gone metal, Are you ready for your eight crazy nights? On the fifth night of hanukkah, I received a golden yarmulke. On the sixth night of hanukkah, I received judah's steel sword. On the seventh night of hanukkah I did receive a menorah constructed of bones. On the eighth and final night of it all, I received... I received... The gift of metal! Spin me a winner, baby... Fry it up... You know I'm gonna make you rich, baby... Walk a mile in my shoes... Want a golden yarmulke... Want judah's steel sword... Gimme my mighty menorah made of bones... On the eighth night, I demand metal!