The sinful offering enraptures, enslaves and incites Intertwined with the gift of the gods pleasure to whom it is sworn Having faith In that of flesh which never betrays Stripped and tied to this covenant Being at a point of satisfaction These tortured souls agreed to be an elite to withstand all its trials Come on follow the blessed ways Forever focused to preserve what's to keep Will be there as a servant to his call The mercy that finds pleasure in itself The energy moves and floods in every breath And shalt not forget the word Light still shines-strengthen pride Trust unbowed-Loyalty All praise for life-an aim so high Lust erupts from sinful sights The gift of the gods unshackles, motivates and invites Tolrance has kept this splendour alive Not to remember its strength Having faith In that which brings to higher elation Which glimmers and glows at eventide The hidden magick that balances life Rep. Refr. Thru sinfulness comes the holy path To glory that will ever last And marks in the deepest of hearts Transmuting will to energy In the rapture of sin Senses follows the strongest of wills Blessed be By this bliss