I smell disgusting odours as i'm worshipping the goat There are nearing some posers with fancy leather coats How can they have the guts to walk on my domain Stand back you horny sluts for soon your blood will rain He draws with evil bloodthirst his sacrificial knifes Lord satan bless his outburst he'll take their fuckin' lifes But odds turned out against him and he got slain to shreds Infernal flames embraced him and burned his evil head I fell to hell where satan decided to send me back Some demons he'd been saving to join in hell's attack We reached the earthly surface saw the posers were still there They raped my nicest harlots shooting sperm into their hair [lead:] [lead:] In some different bestial styles we slaughtered one by one Impaled on metal piles that's where they all belong But no entrance in hell was offered with our loot Such scum's not worth my spell said satan resolute So now impaled they are before the gates of hell Robbed of their lives to low for satan's spell Their untrue corpses craving for hunger and for pain Beware thy whimps and posers for now your blood will rain