Let us reign together proudly standing tall We serve a greater purpose so we'll never fall We defend our castle shoot heads over the wall Whimps try to get nearer we laugh at their calls [chorus:] Brother to brother yours in life an death Be true to one other even if it means your head Swear the holy oath let the spirit carry on The legion of the goat from the father to the son No fear of the sword proud to be in line We only have one lord we're waiting for the sign [chorus:] I will watch your back if you will watch mine We will face the war till the end of time And if we would die our friends would be proud We will watch upon them from valhalla's cloud [chorus:] And if i would die the war would not be lost I did serve my time but it was for a cause We will stick together, even in life beyond So let us go to war we will stand in front [chorus:]