
A Spoon Full Of Peace


Fear the devil
He hates idiots like you
Night after night the same game
You hear the well known voice
The devil has bent over you

And he opens your belly to see
How far your guts have decayed
He smiles and seems satisfied
But that doesn’t change anything for you

As always he drags you ‘round the city
By the remains of your cock
Past the other idiots who like you

Perish in their own shit
A stupid peace of dirt
That is slowly falling apart

Your journey ends where it began
Last stop train station toilet
In a puddle of piss
Here where your mother
Once received the goat’s sperm

Your are looking between festering abscesses
And maggots for the saving hole
A small spoon of snief
Mixed with dirty sweat and washing powder

Do you think this shit will make you healthy?
Yes, my friend, it will
Every servant finds his savior

Your own stupidity exceeds
The devil’s depravity
Remember he hates idiots like you
Because he can’t do business
With something
That has no soul

So use the brightest moment
In your pathetic existence
And finally press that one drop too much
Into your heart
Overdose, so what?
Purgatory is better then what you call
Your fuckin’ life