In the Coliseums the gentlemen and its neverending mumbling in sovereignty classical outspoken sexnoise from the 5th floor apartment go down the stairs and disappear sometimes for days we have talked all night you may say "there's nothing in the desert" I would simply reply that "there's nothing anywhere" you act like you're on an airplane in the sky and nothing is on your mind if I were you I'd wash it away just like everything is fine and life seems so simple wash it down make it go away [x2] read a good book cover to cover but every little gimmick is getting old now do you have the patience to watch old clowns doing the same old tricks do you want to see me do my tricks? would it make you laugh or remember today? can you even remember a day when everything was perfect? when we could laugh? you act like you're on an airplane in the sky and nothing is on your mind If I were you I'd wash it away just like everything is fine and you can't sleep it off this time it's gonna be there when you wake up tomorrow don't you wish you could make it go away? still gonna be there tomorrow and life seems so simple perfect all the time life seems so simple i wish i was you, sometimes [x4] so don't go to the show don't go to the show, tonight just stay here, stay here don't go to the show, tonight.