
Arab Dance Party


okay jesse
prr pip pip
check it out check it out

di de de dip diri pee pup
d i d i d i d
i d i
d i d i d i d
i d i
d i d i d i d
i d i didididi
i wanna kick it again
and if you never tried
nothing like this before
it's time to get down
let's do it like this

i got all my hair
wrapped in this thing
around my fucking head
and if i see you coming
through my land
i'll cut your fucking head now
let me show you how to
mark some pussy
american jo
you don't know shit
shit like this
shit in my asshole
now i wipe my ass with my hand
and slap your american face
fuck you i put bombs
in your mailbox
and lick my plate
hhh hhh
i'm so scared of american jo
oh oh
oh oh oh oh
not you no no
check out the rrrrrr'in sheek
he ain't no weak
he come to my store
everday and i see his
wife this week
i kick some shit like you never saw
i fuck jesse's snare drum
i beat your ass
and then i send a
missile up your bum
yeah where do you come
from what do you know
about the serpertine snake
it's like a pin through
your asshole
you must not lie this is not fake

you will wake from a dream
you will start to scream
you check inside your panties
but you're never
with whipped cream.
kiss your fucking ass
good good
bye bye
kick it kick it good
hey, by
you find my fucking love
letter i'll be gone
i was in love with your baby
i poured my fucking heart out
and you just left because
i smelt like shit
don't tell me your damn shit
rip it it a dick
and if you want to suck that dick
its a thousand a fucking peice
fuck you
my old bosses
i'll cut off your faces
i'll fuck up your dirty
wives in all kind of places
dirty ball
in my asshole
my head goes back and forth
my head does not play lacrosse
that doesn't rhyme
who gives a flying fuck
i see you in an ice skating
rink with hockey puck
when i get tired
you just might get fired
watch my hand it's a serpent snake
rruppuppai for goddness sake
serpents and demons come awake
when i get in your ass
and bake a cake
i dont know what you'll do
go on then give you you
i'm in love again with your baby
you broke my heart
and then i kickstart
my fucking gun
just for you after dark
i'll eat an after-eight mint for you
i think i fucking think i
fucking think for you
and a pussy in pink
buh buh buh twelve twenty-two
what can you do
look at my boo hoo
wasn't it kickstart my
heart for motley crue?
kickstart my heart