It's time of midnight, When the glowing grave opens and reveals secrets. Those secrets are in a dead heart of human lying in the ark The funerals of people are weddings of angels. I am a living, thinking oneness, which was created in the sea of knowledge. The human is a supernatural creature chained in an earthly body. Suffer shows you, what are the earthly matters It expresses, what there are hidden in you. Pain is to a weird form wrapt blessing. Life's secrecy is suffering, which is hidden behind everything. Silence of night and forest can help soul to hear its own depth. As deep as grief cut your essence, there can be more happiness in you. Don't kill yourself! It's a way to keep Christians happy and in a dominating position, when you are dead. Say your words to Christ's children and let them pay! It's their turn to die! Let them follow Jesus to the hell! Meillä pohjolan piruilla on jokaisella oma risti, oma uhri. Lumeen tippuu veripisaroita, elämän huuru häviää pian. Portti sulkeutuu, olemme viestin saaneet, totuus valkenee. Kun sodasta palaamme, on haudat valmiina, avattuina. Multaa heitämme valheellisen elämän päälle, annamme sen tukehtua pimeään. Kristus on kuollut, kylmempi kuin järven jää, kertoi hohtava hautamme.