A human being full of secrets, which she even doesn't know about. 
A child leaved to loneliness by two sinful people who concept and gave birth to her 
She is liable to fascinating evil, 
A victim for a devil's altar 
The world has been painted in black for her, 
The goodness has been told to live in hell 

Eerie, an example of all of us 
Born to sin, living in sin 
Eerie, our own continuous eerie nightmare 
Going to hell by her own will 
Eerie, open your eyes! Own your soul! 

An un-careful, lost, empty-looked creature, 
which is too weak to protect herself from the face of the unknown 
So far from reality living in her disastrous illusions 
She is afraid of the final death, 
Afraid of total vanishing 
Her mind is a battle-arena of good and evil, 
But who shall win? Who shall lose?