A thousand fucking pounds and now it's pissed off A powder keg with antlers bigger than people On a peaceful vacation day when the park was still Half a ton of infuriated elk was unleashed An inhuman sound rattles the landscape Mid-aged man moves but it spears him like a fish And he squirms while it scrambles his guts Attempts to scream only bring blood Deep red vomit that makes the ground sticky The half-ton behemoth throws him 20 feet And a chorus of screams ensues Tourists run like rabbits but the murder-beast tramples Hooves are crushing skulls and brains spill out A passerby's hand gets caught in the horns And he'll never make a fist again Park rangers mass together and fire at will But bullets can't stop this raging mammal Cars in the parking lot make it feel trapped So it smashes its enemies Glass and steel bend to its will And it kicks a driver in the head Gasoline spreads on the pavement And a bullet ignites the flame that makes the elk a torch A flaming harbinger of death scalds its final victim On a day in the park