Andy: Do you ever wonder where the females going When 'round at the ball realize you're flying solo Too bad for you because they're here with me Waiting in line until we mambo horizontally Will: Do you ever wonder where he gets this shit Or if any of his skanks that he bangs believe a word of it He isn't anybody's Mister Right I'm the one the ladies want for more than just a night Andy: Don't listen to a word he says He hasn't be kissed since Truth or Dare Will: How do you know that's true When I'm with girls I don't think you're there I see what they wanna hear And you don't know 'cause you don't care I've got girls by the balls Andy: (Spoken) What? Will: I figure them out and I got 'm up against the wall Andy: You've got nothing at all You're making this up You have to hide in a woman's bathroom dorm to get a girl near your balls Andy: (Spoken) Don't lie Will. It makes you look bad Will: (Spoken) Yeah, I never used to get any But things change, Andy. Things change! When high school girls were out of my league and I knew it One awkward glance or they'd see me dance and I blew it But college girls are much more my style Andy: 'Cause they're Jewish All they do is make you and your Jew balls blewish Will: It's too bad he's an idiot He might get some if he got to class Andy: I never needed it I know my style and can still kick your ass Both: You are the opposite of me I'm more than happy to agree Jack (or Skip): (Spoken) You guys are nuts! Don't you want nice saying things like love? Will: Andy: Of course we wanna be in love And we're looking for romance But, dude if I'm not holding off Pun tang! We'll just get into their pants Pun tang! Both: We've got girls by the balls They're looking for love But that's not what we're making at all We've got girls by the balls And we're holding on It's time for every girl to be grabbed Will: Andy: By the balls How do you win the play always By the balls Where do we like a pretty girl's face By the balls Where do we have Jack's mum By the Jack: (Spoken) Fuck you guys! Will: (Spoken) balls… Both: Balls!