Andy: Don't look at me that way I'm not crazy I don't really care how you'd like me to feel Now if it doesn't bother you that he's changing, fine But don't pretend that this is not a bigger deal Jack is go--- Will: You are out of line Just so you know He's your friend and that's the end of it Andy: If you won't let me talk then I should go Will: No, I just think that you might have to bend a bit Why should anything change just cause he's opened up We should be glad that he's letting us in It's been a long time It'll just take some more To work in our old way, Okay? Andy: He is different, Will It's kinda hard not to see Now if you're okay, then that's okay But don't tell me that I have to be Will: Why are you mad We're gonna be fine This only changes what you let it change Andy: Don't try and act like this problem is mine Will: Well everyone else is still acting the same So why greet that change By causing him pain Andy: I don't want to hurt him Will: Can't you see that this will Andy: Will you listen to me Will: Your his friend you should try to understand him Andy: Why don't you understand Me? Will: This isn't wrong, Andy This is just new You can't right off Jack cause he's different from you Andy: Don't make it sound like I'm wrong I wish we could be what we used to be for so long But things are different, Will It's kinda hard not to pay When Jack is the reason that we Don't feel the same Now it's just you and me and Skip We'll work as three Will: You are not wrong But no way resisting he's growing up You will be fine if you grow with him Jack never said that you have to live Your life one way Let no one divide us he is your friend Or this could be Andy: Not four anymore Will: Not four anymore Andy: What are you asking me to do Will: Just let it go Andy: Is this for him or for you Will: Let it go Andy: Why are you putting this on me Will: Look I'm not saying I disagree But please for me Keep quiet Andy: Fine Will: Fine