I seek the gold, I seek the fame I sailed the seven seas But only sand was in my hand When you came to me And cleared your name You are the life You are the way You tell the truth Every word you say I belong to you I'm the chosen one In Christ alone The road is done I Know, my worries are only Mortal Fading away, some day What ever my life will inhold Your promise will last like you have told Time after time I can kneel To an altar for peace and heal Oh Ohoh oh ooh No gold of earth can set me free Oh ohoh oh ooh Only the treasure of God can make me see Oh ohoh oh ooh I see the grace of God, and it will redeem Blood of Christ is here And it's a gift supreme The lamb of God, You come to me In the bread and wine You deliver me Your rightous path Your, Your clothes of light There's communion, of divine God's child You have Wright know father in time Come now Cose Already it's dawning Returning of Christ Oh Ohoh oh ooh No gold of earth can set me free Oh ohoh oh ooh Only the treasure of God can make me see Oh ohoh oh ooh I see the grace of God And it will redeem Oh ohoh oh ooh Blood of Christ is here And it's a gift supreme I seek the gold, I seek the fame I sailed the seven seas But only sand was in my hand When you came to me