Hear, o earth, for the lord hath spoken Woe to the hypocris nation, A people laden with calmness, A wicked seed, Who have denied the lord When you stretch forth your hands, I will turn away my eyes from you And when you multiply prayer, i will not hear Man hath put himself down, Man hath been debased Therefore i must say this: Forgive them not. They have blasphemed the unholy one, They have gone too far Once proud of themselves Not only copies When you stretch forth your hands, I will turn away my eyes from you And when you multiply prayer, i will not hear Man hath put himself down, Man hath been debased Therefore i must say this: Forgive them not. Therefore said i, look away from me; I will weep bitterly, Because of the spoiling of my people Labour not to comfort me, Once proud of themselves, Now only shadows of what they used... They used to be Show your power Bringer of light You are The saviour Hail! The kings of the underworld Destroy! The unpure people Show your power Bringer of light Lucifer You are The saviour Satan Hail! The kings of the underworld Destroy! The unpure people Hear, o earth, for the lord hath spoken Woe to the hypocris nation, A people laden with calmness, A wicked seed, Who have denied the lord Show your power Bringer of light Lucifer You are The saviour Satan Hail! The kings of the underworld Destroy! The unpure people [repeat] Show your power Bringer of light Lucifer You are The saviour Satan