Glen Lentz

Ain't Life Grand

Glen Lentz

Constant misery; 
not too plain to see; 
then you Fuckin' die 
Go to fuckin' school; 
go to fuckin' work; pay your fuckin' bills 
Sick of fuckin' school; 
sick of fuckin work; 
fuck my God damn bills 
Trapped like a fuckin' rat; 
freedoms' a fuckin' joke; 
nothings' ever yours 

Ain't it grand 

Live for your fuckin' girl; 
watch her fuckin' leave; 
paddling up shit creek 
Fight with your fuckin' Mom; 
fight with your fuckin' Dad; 
search for who you are 
Get beat up everyday; 
find shitty friends to make; 
stab you in the back 
After the fuckin' day; 
after being fuckin' raped; 
find a way to say 

Ain't it grand