Glen Hansard

Who's Gonna Be Your Baby Now

Glen Hansard

I can't know your mind
Leave all you did behind
Keep you from turning on yourself
Wish I could light your load
I'd lie down in the road

But you're gonna have to do it for yourself
And I can be here for you
But I can't make you come
You'll have to come now by yourself
Who's gonna pour your glass
Roll you 'round in the grass

Who's gonna be your maybe now
Who's gonna light your spark
Keep you from the dark
Who's gonna be your baby now?
Who's gonna call the cops?
Run down to the shops

Who's gonna be your baby now?
Who's gonna steal your fingers
Who's gonna let it linger?
Who's gonna be your baby now?

You made your decision
I know my position
Who's gonna be your baby now?
I can't change your mind
Leave all we did behind
Keep you from turning on yourself

I can't light your load
Or shorten the road
I can't make you turn around
You keep walking on
I'm gonna stay here 'til you're gone
Who's gonna be your baby now?