Glass Hammer

Fog Of War

Glass Hammer

His mind is shaken
He tries to waken but it’s all in vain, always in vain
So he tends his wounds as best he can
Here within the lingering fog of war
Which hides his weary heart

Is this my eternal state?
No matter the road I’ve taken
I never seem to find my way to you
I’d love to feel the shining sun
I’d love to hear the rushing streams
But I can’t tell which road will lead me true

One road would surely take me home
And never more I’d roam
I’ll seek the lighted way
Yet it won’t let him go
This gloomy relic of the war
We dance in endless circles going ‘round

The adversary is legendary
And his heart is black, deadly and black
How can he face this monstrous foe
He’s killed him over and over
But it’s just not letting go his weary heart

Is this my eternal state?
No matter the road I’ve taken
I never seem to find my way to you
I’d love to feel the shining sun
I’d love to hear the rushing streams
But I can’t tell which road will lead me true