Brought before the elder fire On knees the child fell And through it came the mystic flame To cast an ancient spell For mastery of the truest skills This child came to seek In payment for thy peace of mind To this the muse shall speak One soul, two lives, threefold the lasting price Not all rewards take shape in golden form What cost? What gain? Some lost and some remained Quite long before today this choice already made And once again, into the storm Another sacrifice performed This is the way, come flame or flood, it's in the blood An age gone by and still he thrives in patterns and in waves With windows closed as fate forebode agreed and fully paid A solace in creation no threat could render still Forevermore an avatar, the muses mark their will One goal, two halves, three strikes for sundered paths Not all recede to last in memory Come rain, come shine come skies with stars aligned Turn many into one with energies combined And once again, into the storm Another sacrifice performed This is the way, come flame or flood, it's in the blood It's in the blood It's in the blood It's in the blood