Gjallarhorn (IT)

Ragnarok 1: Blood Over Asgard

Gjallarhorn (IT)

Dark grows the sun and in summer soon
Come mighty storm, would you know yet more?
On a hill there sat and smote on his harp
Eggther the joyous the giant's warder
Then to the golds crowed gollinkambi
He wakes the heroes in othin's hall

Farewell hallowed hall of asgård
Now the gentle dawn radiates not gold
But blood red beams of one glorious horizon
Far we must go to our impending doom
Bifrost now wails and shakes under our march...

Much do we know and more can see
Of the fate of the golds the mighty in fight
Fast move the sons of mim and fate
Is heard in the note of the gjallarhorn
Loud blows heimdall, the horn is aloft
In fear quake all who on hel-roads are...

Farewel hallowed halls of asgård
Now the gentle dawn radiates not gold
But blood red beams of once glorious horizon
Far we must go to our impending doom
Bifrost now wails and shakes under our march