


No one would tell me all the things that could be 
and i never had a chance and so i ran 
I never was prepared for all the things that I'd see 
frozen still I clinched my hand 
making up for lost time, i made a friend in me 
given up hope, i lost demand 
redundancy played out, cliches worn and useless 
no words to describe missing memories 

Caught in the middle of a breaking story 
crashing overhead I took my cover 
shattered windows fall like raindrops 
dust and screams they sew my eyes shut 
balance beams go unsupported, they topple down almost unignored 
piping's bursting, and copper's cracking. 
The second floor is falling on me. 

frustration will shadow all the things that i fear. 
angered fists to bloody to help repair 
the isolated care, will never feel so near 
like this falling chandelier 
making up for lost time, i took my final breath 
given up hope, i fell to the floor 
redundancy played out, and phrases labeled wrong 
no words to describe stolen memories