Teetering off the edge A final sacrifice, they said My window’s closing, I am burning Ashes of a story unread And I can taste the smoke Settling like the last words I spoke I close my eyes, ready to die A destiny can’t be revoked And I am Embers in the sky Glittering down For when the time is right I’m a fire, a wild flame And you’ll never forget my name My blazing heart belongs to you Please stop grieving, I’m coming soon And at the end we stand Love, storm, fire, whole again Memories spin, uncoil within I’m smiling ‘till the very end It’s getting way too hot A battle better left unfought I’ll see you on the other side It has been one hell of a ride And I am Embers in the sky Glittering down For when the time is right I’m a fire, a wild flame And you’ll never forget my name My blazing heart belongs to you Please stop grieving, I’m coming soon Hold your breath for one more second This will all be over soon Bloodwritten predestination Make this sacrifice for you I’m extraneous and fighting But I know I’m not pushed off Stand together, till the end It’s not sacrifice without love And I am Embers in the sky Glittering down For when the time is right I’m a fire, a wild flame And you’ll never forget my name My blazing heart belongs to you Please stop grieving, I’m coming soon