Giltine's Gintaras

Drasus (The Wolf)

Giltine's Gintaras

I used to live in disgrace and loneliness.
Into my dumps you brought the light.
You kiss my lips, in the morning.
And warm my bed, warm my bed at night.
žVerune´s child
You are the male of my life.
žVerune´s child

You are the male of my life.
žVerune´s child
You are the male of my life.
žVerune´s child
You are the male of my life.

Machiavellian fangs killing the lamb.
Lascivious eyes catching the hare.
Hunting my heart, snowy eyelashes.
We are fi ghting, fi ghting against nature.
žVerune´s child
You are the male of my life.
žVerune´s child

You are the male of my life.
žVerune´s child
You are the male of my life.
žVerune´s child
You are the male of my life.