Tom: C E E7 Hava nagila Let's rejoice E E7 Hava nagila Let's rejoice Am E E7 E Hava nagila ve nis'mecha Let's rejoice and be happy E E7 Hava nagila Let's rejoice E E7 Hava nagila Let's rejoice Am E E7 E Hava nagila ve nis'mecha Let's rejoice and be happy E E7 Hava neranenah Let's sing Dm Hava neranenah Let's sing E E7 E Hava neranenah ve nis'mecha Let's sing and be happy E E7 Hava neranenah Let's sing Dm Hava neranenah Let's sing E E7 E Hava neranenah ve nis'mecha Let's sing and be happy Am Uru, uru achim! Awake, awake, brothers! Uru achim b'lev sameach Awake brothers with a happy heart Uru, uru achim! Awake, awake, brothers! Uru achim b'lev sameach Awake brothers with a happy heart Dm Uru achim , uru achim! Awake, brothers, awake, brothers! B'lev sameach With a happy heart Uru achim , uru achim! Awake, brothers, awake, brothers! B'lev sameach With a happy heart E E7 Uru achim , uru achim! Awake, brothers, awake, brothers! Am B'lev sameach