The ripple in the river giving way to waterfalls The canopies of the forest Where the ghosts of long forgotten gods Lie at peace with simple things And the parts of us that whisper And say hey this is a moonlight trip It's an old abandoned route And the dust of centuries obscures the many signs It is beyond the wit of man To farm the sea as he farms the land Chandra, chandra chandra's coriander Chandra, chandra It's been a long time Since anybody walked this way The mother of a genius gets to know the golden rule A generation passes and her daughter gives birth to a fool Tomorrow's child a primitive soul The ancient spirits whisper And say hey this is a moonlight ride From the ruins and the filth The arrogance and pride the phoenix will rise Witness to the path he chose She walks with eyes Forever closed Chandra, chandra chandra's coriander Chandra, chandra It's been a long time Since anybody walked this way It's an old abandoned route And the dust of centuries obscures the many signs Witness to the path he chose She walks with eyes Forever closed Chandra, chandra chandra's coriander Chandra, chandra It's been a long time Since anybody walked this way