Gia Carter


Gia Carter

Is something we all are looking for.
But not every one can get it.
Neighter of you will ever have it.
'Cause we all are caught in the circle of time
and we'll never be able to escape.
(Liberty, Liberty, Li-Liberty)

Ich habe lange schon danach gesucht,
doch gefunden hab ich's nicht.
Die Freiheit scheint auf ewig ausgebucht
Und ist trotzdem alles für mich.
Wir sind gefangen in der Welt
Die uns ein Leben lang gefangen hält.
Der Notausgang ist nur imaginär
Und ohne Freiheit wird das Leben schwer.

Is something we all are looking for.
But not every one can get it.
Neighter of you will ever have it.
'Cause we all are caught in the circle of time
and we'll never be able to escape.
(Liberty, Liberty, Li-Liberty)

We all have a little piece of it,
But nobody's got the whole.
In our life it just couldn't fit,
But it could have an important role.
We are caught in our minds,
Are unfair and cruel.
How bright it ever shines:
Liberty doesn't follow your rule.

Here we are!
Wir sind hier!
Und können uns doch nicht befreien./And can not rescue ourselves.
We look for liberty and won't ever find it./ Die wahre Freiheit werden wir nie finden.
Freiheit/ Liberty
Freiheit/ Liberty

Is something we all are looking for.
But not every one can get it.
Neighter of you will ever have it.
'Cause we all are caught in the circle of time
and we'll never be able to escape.
(Liberty, Liberty, Li-Liberty)