Brak: I like hubcaps, I like laundry, I like waffles, I like antfarms I like recess picnics, and eatin' pork and beans I like tinfoil and bowties I like cardboard and moon pies When I'm soaking in the bathtub, I like shootin' submarines Shootin' submarines I like Snoopy, I like Droopy, I like Charles Nelson Reilly I like Hee-Haw, Fat Albert, and I also like corn I like cornflakes, corndogs I like corn bread and cornstarch I like the band Korn and popcorn, I like all kinds of corn ALL KINDS OF CORN! He likes this and he likes that He likes that and he likes this Oogedy boogedy life is sweet Oogedy boogedy tell 'em girls When Brak has troubles he likes to think of just how lucky he is Because of all the things that I like.... What was that? (My bad.) I like eggrolls and crab rolls, crab legs, but not frog legs I like duck sauce with duct tape and jumping on the bed I like Popeye, Pipeye, Popeye Poopeye Peepeye Olive Oyl and Bluto, and falling on my head Falling on my head I like throwing spaghetti at Bigfoot and Yeti I like Veronica and Betty, don't call me Jughead! I like gumballs and rumballs, I like cheeseballs and cheesecake I like pineapple upside-down cake, why's it upside-down? WHY'S IT UPSIDE-DOWN? He likes this and he likes that He likes that and he likes this Oogedy Boogedy you know what I mean Oogedy Boogedy tell 'em Franz When Brak has troubles he likes to think of just how lucky he is Cause all of the things that I, liiiiiiiiiiiike