Ghost Space

Hero In His Own Mind

Ghost Space

Oh, help us, please help us!
*gasp* oh no, a planet in need!
This looks like a job for....Mr big tough guy
Spaaaace Ghooooooost
Daaaaa, dun dun dun dun dun, dun dun dun dun dun
Ne neer, neer neer ne neer noop, ne neer neer neer noop
Bum bum bum bum bum, ba ba bup bum, ba ba da bum.....
He's so powerful, how can they ever stop him?
So faithful viewers, Space Ghost raises his mighty powerbands, and 
*Space Ghost accidentally zaps Zorak and snaps out of his daydream*
Oops! Uh sorry, I got a little carried away, how embarrasing!