Tom: D A E G D The weather man just told me that theres a storm on the rise Its gonna rain for forty days and rain for forty nights But god has nothing to do with this This is just coincidence Good weather never lasts forever I'll board up my windows I'll board up my doors Stock my cupboard with enough to last me through the storm Cos I will endure The sky is exploding and the clouds begin to swell The heaven up above are looking much more like hell And I can hear the thunder and I can smell the rain I can see the lighting its all heading my way As the water starts to rise high above my window I will write to the light of a tall white candle I will dance with my mirror on the hard wood floor To the rhythm of the rain on my roof as it continues to poor When the sun finally decides to show its face again Then so will I and I'll be a better man And I will be reborn I will endure