It was morning Three o'clock When he arrived It was she who rose I said "hi! Gets the will" It is I who said "hi" but she did not hear And so it was that I saw that life has placed him / her to me there that terça-feira/quinta-feira September / December So I know each color of each light color, you can ask me every thing I remember The party was very lively Eight or nine souls watching in the lounge I loved the beans It was ham wrapped in melon And so it was that I saw that life has placed him / her to me there that terça-feira/quinta-feira September / December So I know each color of each light color, you can ask me every thing I remember I remember She found it very funny He talked and talked and I pretended to laugh The tava her blouse on the wrong side He loved the way I dress And so it was that I saw that life has placed him / her to me there that terça-feira/quinta-feira September / December So I know each color of each light color, you can ask me every thing I remember I remember I remember I remember