Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright Round yon virgin, mother and child Holy infant so tender and mild Sleep in heavenly peace Sleep in heavenlyÂ…. (Sleep in heavenly, sleep in heavenly Sleep in heavenly, sleep in heavenly peace) Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright Round yon virgin, mother, mother and child Holy infant so tender and mild Sleep in heavenly peace Sleep in heavenly peace Sleep (silent night, holy night) Child (all is calm, all is bright) Sleep (round yon virgin, mother and child) Child (holy infant, so tender and mild) Sleep (silent night, holy night) Child (the shepherdÂ's first saw the light) Sleep (heard the sounds and they were drawn) Child (the heavenly angels sung) Sleep (silent night, holy night) Child (all is calm, all is bright) Sleep (round yon virgin, mother and child) Child (holy infant, so tender and mild) Sleep (silent night, holy night) Child (the shepherdÂ's first saw the light) Sleep (heard the sounds and they were drawn) Child (the heavenly angels sung) Christ, Christ the Sa--, Savior is born Christ, Christ the Savior, Christ, Christ the Savior Is born Noite silenciosa Noite sagrada Tudo está calmo Tudo está claro Lá longe a Virgem Mãe e a Criança Criança sagrada tão terna e suave Durma na paz celestial Durma na paz celestial Noite silenciosa Noite sagrada Filho de Deus Oh o amor é pura luz Sorriso feliz e radiante da Tua face sagrada Com a aurora da graça redentora Jesus Senhor no seu nascimento Oh Jesus Senhor no seu nascimento... Durma Durma Durma na paz celestial Durma na paz celestial Durma na paz celestial Paz Durma Durma Durma na paz celestial