George Moshington

The Ashes of an Empire

George Moshington

Lying in Ruin 
A life left with only memories 
A direct result of lies and worthless guarantees 
I laugh at your failure. The only thing that brought me joy 
This perfect end brings me peace 
Knowing that I have overcome 
All the lies that you used for your personal gain 
Crawl into the Darkness 
The ashes of what you created 
Lie in disaster 
Relish on the fact that you have lost 
I have only one true regre 
The day I made the connection 
Tear it apart. dispose the thought 
Your part in my life was a mistake 
An Embarrassment to walk in your shadow 
I let you control every step I took. 
Like so many that held you 
You wore me down 
With your lies and your empty promises 
And for that there is no forgiveness 
Your new found failure, Is your punishment 
I thrive on your pain, On your punishment. Your sin 
And now when you are lying in defeat 
Think about those who let you manipulate them 
How they gave everything for your name 
Only to satisfy your hunger for power 
Every action was a desperate attempt 
for self preservation 
You failed. ending our time 
I'm left empty with no remorse 
in regret I curse your name 
Burial from within